Thursday, January 5, 2012

Year of Taking Hero of the Day

If you read my Facebook page you know all about my overachieving friend Martta who spends the time that the rest of us would use for sleep to make crafts, her clothes, refinish furniture, and bake.  She is insane but in a  good way.

Anyway, Martta (of course) has a blog where she demonstrates how to make all kinds of crafts.  Today's post was about how she used paint chips (not the lead kind that Stephanie used to eat) that you get at Walmart or Home Depot to make a piece of art.  This piece of art required tons of these little paint chips so she took no less than 3 trips to Walmart to take (or steal, depending on how you look at it) at least 100 of those chips for her art.

I name Martta the Year of Taking Hero of the Day for taking, rather than buying, paint chips for her crafts.  

You can view her blog post and this priceless piece of art here:

1 comment:

  1. Stephanie still eats paint chips and other gross stuff don't let her tell you any differently. Liquid laundry detergent is her favorite energy drink. Although she does tend to bang into things after drinking it.
